Ted Gill's
Software Configuration Management Page

CM In a Nutshell


It seems that in the software industry today there are precious few folk who understand software engineering to be anything more than a bunch of guys in a room hacking together code. In fact, great software can be and has been created using that model, but there was no guarantee that the creation was reliable, repeatable, or maintainable.

Actual Software Engineering as a discipline embraces a number of other skills and activities. Coding (actually writing the software) comprises less than 40% of the total effort expended on a successful software development project.

One of the supporting activities that underlies the entire structure of software development is called "Software Configuration Management" -- SCM or just CM for short. While a software user may experience an application as a single homogeneous lump developers are well aware that software is actually composed of many, many individual parts. These parts are changed contiuously during development of an application. Keeping track of which version of all of the pieces of the puzzle are currently assembled together is the basic job of configuration management.

We should take a moment to acknowlege the ongoing efforts of Microsoft in educating the general public about the true heterogeneous nature of software as well as the evils of a loss of configuration control. There are fewer and fewer households in the world which have never recieved the dreaded "Bad or Missing DLL File" error message. Clearly learning is occurring.
It was my good or ill fortune to be involved with the formation of a Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) at my place of employment, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. In the considerable formal and informal training that followed we learned many things about how to create reliable, maintainable software in a repeatable manner. More to the point we learned how to lead an organization, that really wanted to do so, from the depths of an ad hoc willy-nilly development process to much more successful methodology. So, you're asking, did they really want to?... Well, let's just say that the SEPG was long ago disbanded and I now work at the Shipyard as an Oracle Database Administrator, which I enjoy very much.

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